Friday, January 16, 2009

Logic, Please!!

PBB tidak memberikan suatu resolusi apapun.

PBB juga diragukan dalam menangani krisis di Gaza. Sekedar membiarkan saja pelanggaran HAM dan hukum internasional di Palestina dan Gaza.
Itu menunjukan mereka adalah bagian dari teroris. dan apakah serangan Israel pada gudang bantuan kemanusiaan itu disengaja? Bahkan Israel sendiri menyerang institusi PBB di Palestina. todak maukah PBB Bertindak? Ini adalah bukti bahwa PBB bagian dari Teroris Amerika dan Israel. korban sudah lebih dari 1000 jiwa bung! apakah kalian bukan orang Normal yang tak berlogika??

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Many people agree and disagree about this activity. Some people want to ban tobacco, and will nationalized the tobacco companies. it will done by three stages:

1. Tobacco taxes would be sharply increased and tobacco commercials would be banned.
2. Then smoking in public places would be forbidden
3. All the tobacco companies would be nationalized by the government.

what's the result?
Finally all the factories would be closed and the sale of tobacco would be crime

That's from someone who contra with smoking.

But some economic said:

if we look at this from economic view, for nationalized the tobacco companies would cost taxpayers a lot of money. if the factory were closed, all that money would be wasted and thousands of people become jobless. the government would lose all their tobacco taxes. That's too high price to pay or make a few of non-smokers happy .

people talk about cancer. but life's full of risks man. we might be die in a car accident tomorrow. research says: overeating causes hearth attack and overwork causes stomach ulcers.
Will the government ban eating and working? People must be free to make their own decision. the government already interferes far too much in our private lives.

Smoking is our Human Rights. but we must become a kind smokers. smoke in the smoking room. Not in public places. so this is government problem to make so many smoking rooms in he public places. and we as the smokers should realize that we mustn't disturb the non-smokers.

My Opinion about life

What's life?

I think...

life is not started and endless or irreversibly.
Why? If we take a math equation about life. We take 0 for example.
Why 0?
because, generally people say that: "life, beginning from zero"
I think it is wrong. why? if we take 0 for the beginning, how about -1, -17, -12313, -37346?
it's earlier than 0, right?
Because it is impossible for life to be decreased. it is always go to the future. moving forward.
Not go back. so, what is the earlier number? -1245234514524621? -468562465940199? -100000000000000000?
No, it is infinity. No beginning.
and for the end. what's the end of number?
352452345? 1000000? 1 billion billion billion?
No, it is also infinity.
So, life is endless. No beginning, and No end.
we could be die. but i believe, after die, we will reborn.
and life forever.
in hell,
or heaven.